Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Let's Go NATS!

"Take Me Out to the Ball Game"

Washington Nationals vs. Houston Astros

RFK Stadium (and of course Loyal Nationals' Fans)

On our way to the game.

Above: Oh Look! It's Me!......opposite: Melanie, Eliza, Darin

I have a confession to make, which will hopefully not make me seem too un-American...Baseball is not my favorite past time, unless of course I'm watching in live in the Stadium! I've only been to a few professional baseball games in my life. The most memorable...The Chicago White Sox, however since moving to the DC area I've gone to two National's game...and they won both times (I must be a good luck charm)

On the Metro (Eliza, Darin, Annie, Dan) Melanie Metro: Melanie & Freda

We had a great time. Albeit some of the people didn't quite catch the spirit of the game. Poor Annie was trying to get everyone excited and involved, but without much success. Someone on the Metro back home asked her to basically sit down and be quiet. How's that for Team spirit?

1 comment:

sperry said...

Hey Amy! It's Hillary (think Greenfield way back when:) ) I have to admit as well baseball is not my favorite pastime either :) Ya Sarah has you linked and I was excited to see what's happening with you! You've got some great pics! DC, wow, how fun! I'm in Amarillo TX right now. Not quite as much fun, but much more brown :)