Once upon a time there was a young girl named Becky who lived in the shadow of the everlasting hills. Becky's beloved older sister Amy had moved from home to the DC area. Desiring to visit, not only her sister, Amy, but also the nation's capitol, Becky ventured forth on a week long vacation...
Yep. It's true. My sister Becky came to visit. I loved every minute of it, even sleeping on our couch...no really....I'm serious if you ever have to sleep on a couch I would recommend our couch. It's the most confortable couch I've had to sleep on.
I took a little time off work to hang out with my sister, but mostly I let her wander around DC alone. I showed her how to get to the metro from my house, gave her my smartcard (or whatever that metro card thing is called) and sent her on her merry way. I heard no complaints, so I will conclude that she had a good time.
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