Happy New Years! I can't believe it's 2008. Time flies. W e decided to forego any big dances or parties and headed over to Reed and Brian's apartment for New Year's Eve Olympics.
My Cat, Mel and I dressed up for the occation. Cat lent me her beautiful green dress. We were a little over dressed for the occation, but we had a wonderful time.
Reed planned several 'Olympic' events. Everything from Apples to Apples to Donuts on a string. Each winner recieve a 'gold' (aka Reeese Pieces Cup), 'silver' (aka a hershey's kiss) or 'bronze' (aka a rolo) metel according to their rank. I won the silver in the water panting event. Cat won a metal in the donut eating conset and Mel something in the random questions of 2007 event.
"We're bored and waiting for everyone else to arrive"
That's the problem with arriving on time...
Art contest: We all water panted our favorite vacation and then the judges decided who won.
Donuts on a String
Apples to Apples contest
Welcome to 2008!
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