Monday, January 14, 2008

Annapolis Adventure

So Cat, Mel and I got into our heads to go to Annapolis. I mean's the state capitol of Maryland, why not spend the hour in the car to go see it....unless you get lost and then it's about 3 hours, but never fear we did make it eventually.

The Capitol Building.

One thing that surprised me was the number of bricks used. I'm so used to seeing new state capitols, such as Utah, California, Oklahoma, which are made out of or at least covered with granite.
My new Friend

Crab hats...come on, admit it, you would have tried them on too!

Mel took a picture too, but she wouldn't give me a copy, but don't worry, I'm sure there will be just as equally embarrassing/blackmail type pictures in the future I can post.
One of the objectives of going to Annapolis was to visit the Naval Academy, however due to a lack of government issued IDs we weren't able to go, but we walked by and stared through the fence.

Another disappointment was the fact that the public harbour was under construction. This was the closest we got.

Seeing that we didn't get to most of the things we wanted to do in Annapolis, a return visit is already in the planning stages. Probably once it warms up a little more.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

New Years 2008

Happy New Years! I can't believe it's 2008. Time flies. W e decided to forego any big dances or parties and headed over to Reed and Brian's apartment for New Year's Eve Olympics.

My Cat, Mel and I dressed up for the occation. Cat lent me her beautiful green dress. We were a little over dressed for the occation, but we had a wonderful time.

Reed planned several 'Olympic' events. Everything from Apples to Apples to Donuts on a string. Each winner recieve a 'gold' (aka Reeese Pieces Cup), 'silver' (aka a hershey's kiss) or 'bronze' (aka a rolo) metel according to their rank. I won the silver in the water panting event. Cat won a metal in the donut eating conset and Mel something in the random questions of 2007 event.

"We're bored and waiting for everyone else to arrive"

That's the problem with arriving on time...

Art contest: We all water panted our favorite vacation and then the judges decided who won.

Donuts on a String
I'm practicing. Look how big my mouth is :P
Do you think it will fit?

On your mark...get set...

Apples to Apples contest

We watched the ball drop in Times Squar And toasted the New Year with Martenelli's

Welcome to 2008!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Sunset from a Plane

On my way home from Utah my flight left later in the afternoon so by the time I left Chicago after my layover the sun was setting. It was amazing to see. I took a few pictures (as did the gentleman in front of me) It doesn't do it justice, but you get the idea.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Before and After

So I've wanted to donate my hair for a really long time, but my hair grows so slow it took me a while to get it long enough that I was willing to cut it, however this Christmas I decided it was long enough. On Dec 27th, while I was home for Christmas, I donated it. And are the before and After pictures. I didn't like the cut at first...she did it completely different from what I said and the picture I showed her, but the cut's gown on me and I like it better.

See, not too bad. I should find the picture I showed the lady who cut my hair...I still think I want to try that cut, but I will have to let my hair grow out again first.