The year passed quickly, the air show lost in memories...until one day while riding the metro the girls spotted a sign...and what did that sign say? AIR SHOW! Yes! Their promise was remembered and plans were made. However unbeknownst to the girls if you want to go to the air show you sure as heck better get there EARLY! Really in early bird catches the worm early...or in 'military' terms, Oh-dark-hundred...and what does the 'oh' stand for? OH my goodness it's EARLY!
Well needless to say they didn't get there that early. Still living in their delusional world they left about 12 pm-ish and as ecologically conscientious members of society they took the hour and half later they arrived at end of the Green line only to be told that the LAST bus to the air base left in 30 minutes and the wait in the line was about 90 minutes...hmmm you do the math...
There were tears...well not really, but there might have been in the privacy of their own rooms later that night.
Therefore, finding themselves in downtown DC with time on their hands...they wandered, because that's what they do best.
Seeing that they had lived in the DC metro area for well over a year there weren't many places they hadn't seen before, but don't worry they found their way to a new place...The Constitution Gardens and what fun they had...these pictures are evidence.
They sat on a wall to eat lunch...yummy
The Constitution Island - From a distance
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