Saturday, July 9, 2011

2011 JSOH and Airshow

(the following post is provided by Melanie)

Bright & early on May 21st we set out for the Joint Service Open House & Air Show at Andrew’s Joint Service Base. It is still so odd to refer to it that way instead of as Andrews Air Force Base. Anyway, this was our 3rd year attending the event although you’ll remember we tried 4 years ago & it became the day we didn’t go to the air show. Emma, Awesome, Amy, & I (Mel) drove up to FedEx Field to catch a shuttle over to the base.

One of the great things about the event is that it combines static displays of aircraft, tanks, and even boats with aerial demonstrations of planes, parachutists, and helicopters. I’ll post some more about these later.

The opening ceremony involved a parachutist dropping with a 75 lb American flag.

While there, we ran into several friends including April & Maggie. They left fairly early to head to another activity but we were soon joined by Joe & Sundee.

After the Thunderbirds performed, we headed to the lines to board the buses back to FedEx and had to wait in line for quite a while. Aren’t we cute?

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