Sunday, February 8, 2009

Superbowl Fun

I've never watched the Superbowl. I love football, but prefer the college level. Despit my insistance that I didn't need to go, I was 'dragged' to Reed & Brian's superbowl bash.

The main attraction was the Twinkie Stadium created by Cat and Keeley.

Brian definitely did his part to help eat it. (doesn't this picture make him look a little vampire-like?)

Here are the spectators...Reed and I stood in back pretending that we were there the whole time.

The real spectators

Playing games....what some of us really did during the game.

I had a good time, even with my reluctance to go. Go Steelers!

1 comment:


eewwwww Amy not go Steelers, GO CARDINALS! that's my home town. Not to talk bad about the steelers, but they were not nice that night during the game. Pushing my team around not even sportsmanship like! Rude! However, even though the Cardinals lost it was a good game. That is an awsom Twinkie stadium