Sunday, February 14, 2010


For the second time this winter the DC metro area was hit with over 20 inches of snow.

Some people have called the Snowamgedon or the matter how you look at it 25-30 inches of snow is a lot of snow...even if you life in an area that deals with snow often.
The Onley house invited us over and a full-scale snowball fight ensued :)
We even had the random neighbor kids join us...
Snow angel...

Building forts

Safe inside

Most of us didn't have work Monday (except Melanie of course, she always has to works...). Tuesday I had to work, but everyone was battening down the hatched for the second storm, which hit us Wednesday. And it was a good one! Blizzard and another 15-20 inches of snow. (I have pictures somewhere...) There were times we couldn't see the trees in our front yard. Emma was going to have to go to work and we told her the friends don't let friends drive in blizzards. So she called the her supervisor and got the day off...I have no idea what Tysons Corner Mall was thinking to be open!
The Onley boys and the McDonald sisters lost power so they braved the storm and walked over to our house for some warmth, food and fun.
I'll be honest...I'll be happy when there is no more snow on the ground!

Happy Birthday Emma Lin!

You know...I don't know why we try...but we do, every year we try....Try what you say?  To give Emma Lin a surprise birthday party and it never fails that she finds out about it. Or something goes wrong with the planning, most often with the weather.  This time we can blame Reed and Dan for Emma knowing about her "surprise" birthday party and Bronwyn did such a good job too... But doesn't she look surprised?
Reed Helping to decorate...

Happy Birthday Emma Lin!!!